How Disruption Has Controlled The Higher Education System
Technology has taken all over the world today. With businesses adopting the latest techniques to automate their workflows and students exploring new and better ways of learning, it seems that we are definitely moving to a better world ahead. However, one thing that we are yet to fully discover is the disruption in the higher education system. Education App Ideas for the Higher Education System could revolutionize learning by gamifying complex concepts, fostering personalized mentorship, and connecting students across institutions.
In this article, we are discussing how disruption in higher education will bring a better change in it.
Why Disruption in Higher Education is Needed?
Currently, we are facing two major problems in higher education. First, no matter how much we promote blended learning, universities limit students from using much cheaper ways of learning such as MOOCs (massively open online courses), self-study or community colleges. Despite the invasion of technology in education, tuition fees are getting higher day by day.
Secondly, there is a lack of transparency when it comes to determining the quality of education received by students in universities since every university has its own criteria of assessment. Higher education systems thrive on Effective Assignments that challenge students, assess real understanding, and foster deep, meaningful learning. We generally evaluate the students based on the reputation of their university which is generally based on the facilities it provides.
This is why there is an unevenness in the quality of higher education and why many graduates enter their professional careers without being unprepared. This is why we need disruption in education.
How Disruption in Higher Education would Look Like?
1. More Dependency on Digital Learning
If we want to break the cycle of higher education and bring in new changes, we need to increase the incorporation of technology in learning. Whether it be blended learning, MOOCs, online classes or flipped classrooms. With technology, universities can enable the quick flow of information across the campus and better research opportunities for the students. It can also enhance the overall student experience by providing automated solutions for course management, office processes, and meetings.
Technology will also enhance the knowledge and specialisation of our teachers. As more industry-specific courses will rise, they will require the best teachers to bridge the learning gaps of the students. As a result, universities would end up attracting more students to seek specialisations.
2. We can Expect Jobs Matching a Student’s Qualifications
Most students are worried because they lack the skills that are required for the job they want. In fact, it has been found that 40% of college students get their first jobs that don’t actually require their qualifications. It is seen that universities just focus on giving titles to students rather than actual skills. But, with disruption in higher education, we can expect things to change.
With more courses being specific to industries, students can gain the required skills. But first, we have to change the notion of caring about the degree so much rather than gaining knowledge.
3. Students will Start having Realistic Expectations from a University
How universities market themselves these days has made all the students think that they can find their dream job by getting into a university. They all think of becoming CEOs, managers or highly sought-after knowledge workers. Although anyone can achieve that, a reality that cannot be blindsided is that not everyone can be a CEO or an executive manager just with a university degree.
It requires knowledge, skills and traits that one needs to gain in their academic journey rather than just getting admission to a reputable university with a high tuition fee. Hopefully, disrupting higher education will help students understand the real importance of a university degree rather than just getting them a job they like.
4. We can Expect more Transparent Admission Processes
Today, universities take students not just based on their grades but because of their abilities to pay the tuition. Many talented students are unable to study in a highly-reputed university because they cannot afford it. This practice increases the inequalities amongst society rather than decreasing them. Big universities take up students with the lowest scores and promise them that they will become world leaders while the ones who have the skills or talents are left behind in mediocrity.
With disruption, we can expect this behaviour to change. Since higher education will be available to everyone despite their social status or ability to pay the tuition. Students will be given the right programs that target their skills rather than just handing over the degrees in the end.
5. There can be more Partnerships with International Universities
The idea of gaining education from a university abroad has become quite prevalent amongst students these days. In fact, some countries are offering higher education with almost no tuition fee which makes them more popular amongst the students. The increase of globalisation and ease of travel abroad has made the competition even fierce for the universities.
With disruption in education, we can expect universities to tie up with each other to provide a better learning experience to the students including research. Moreover, students will be able to connect virtually with the universities, taking online classes, collaborating with fellow students online or may be pursuing their whole university degree online.
6. The Next Era will be the Era of Personalised Higher Education
You might have already heard of personalised education or personalised learning where a student learns the material that is customised for them. The approach of one size fits all has already been left behind by entrepreneurs who are currently investing in education technology. Higher education systems must combat “Thin Content” in online courses to ensure students receive substantial knowledge and avoid superficial learning experiences. In personalised learning, every student has their learner’s profile which is tracked and managed by the school and teachers. Students are given the choice to select a learning method they prefer or the subjects that interest them.
With disruption in higher education, we can expect the same approach to be adopted by universities. Students will be given the freedom to choose their pathway. They will be able to track their progress and receive specific feedback regarding their strengths and weaknesses.
A Reformation in Higher Education is on its Way!
The transition of the higher education system is not only necessary but also possible. Disruption of education will prove to be fruitful for students and institutions in many ways. Implementing more digital learning methodologies would lead to a decrease in the tuition fees of universities. Students will be able to gain industry-specific skills. Their expectations from a university would change. Education will be more personalised and easy to access. In all, we can expect a change in the quality of learning and skills being imparted in higher education.
Author Bio:
Emily James is an academic writer who provides essay help to high school and college students. She holds university degrees in English studies and Teacher Training. She has designed dissertation writing courses and provides dissertation help in the UK. She writes blogs on education, digital marketing, and learning methodologies.