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Beyond Academics at Bethany High School

Beyond Academics at Bethany High School

Stepping onto the grounds of Bethany High-ICSE School in Bangalore transcends the conventional academic experience; it signifies an immersion into a vibrant microcosm dedicated to fostering growth and nurturing community. Known for its holistic approach, Bethany High is not merely an educational institution but a crucible for developing well-rounded, skilled, and empathetic individuals. The school stands as a beacon, offering more than just academic excellence to prospective students and their parents—it promises a rich, transformative educational journey that equips students to thrive within and beyond the classroom walls.

A vibrant tapestry of campus life

Bethany High-ICSE School in Bangalore offers much more than traditional academics; it provides a nurturing environment where students can discover and develop their unique talents, creating a fulfilling and holistic school life. The campus is a vibrant community where learning transcends textbooks, and every corner resonates with the vibrant energy of youth pursuing their dreams. Each aspect of the school, from the welcoming atmosphere to the rich narrative of camaraderie, excellence, and character-building embedded in its very structure, contributes to this living mosaic.

Students enjoy individual attention and the freedom to interact openly with faculty, including the Director and Principal, often greeted with a friendly fist-bump—a rare sight in most schools. The school boasts excellent facilities, including efficient transportation, delicious canteen offerings, advanced audiovisual tools, and opportunities to participate in the school band, choir, and renowned musical productions. This vibrant campus life ensures that learning is enjoyable and balanced, with a perfect mix of academic rigour and co-curricular activities to foster all-around development.

Campus amenities and facilities

Bethany High-ICSE School in Bangalore epitomises contemporary education with its state-of-the-art campus facilities that ensure holistic student development. Extensive sports facilities complement academic pursuits by promoting physical health, teamwork, and leadership skills. A short walk away, the Bethany Hostel at S.T. Bed Layout offers a comfortable and caring environment, reflecting the school’s ethos of a home away from home with amenities like large dormitories, a hygienic kitchen, and various activities to engage students making it a home away from home.

The library, an intellectual sanctuary with over 25,000 books, invites students into a world of endless knowledge and possibilities. Bethany’s dedication to a safe and nourishing environment extends to its canteen operations, which uphold the highest hygiene and quality standards, offering a dynamic menu of freshly cooked meals. The canteen  serves as a hub for cultural exchanges and friendship building. The school’s transport system prioritises safety with a professionally managed fleet equipped with the latest safety features and monitored by experienced staff to ensure secure daily commutes.

Taking inspiration from Florence Nightingale, Bethany High School in Koramangala has recently upgraded its infirmary, now located near the playground and gate, to provide top-class medical facilities and compassionate care to ensure the well-being of students and staff.

Clubs at Bethany

Currently, six clubs function at Bethany, all of which encourage the holistic growth of students. They are: 

1. Storytelling Club:

The Storytelling Club at Bethany High, designed for Grades 2 to 5 students, is led by professional storyteller Ms. Sajjal Rakhecha. In this club, children are immersed in captivating narratives from various cultures worldwide, which enrich their comprehension and listening skills. Through these stories, students develop a deeper sense of empathy, learning to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives and emotions.  Ms Rakhecha’s expertise ensures that each session is educational and engaging, helping cultivate a love for storytelling and an appreciation for narrative art in young learners.

2. Quiz Club:

The Quiz Club at Bethany High motivates students to extend their learning beyond the classroom by cultivating a spirit of enthusiasm and competitiveness in various academic disciplines. This club challenges members to think creatively and critically, with quiz questions encompassing various subjects, including language skills, science, mathematics, history, geography, and current affairs. By engaging in this intellectual competition, students broaden their knowledge and enhance their ability to recall and apply information quickly and accurately. The club is an excellent platform for those keen to explore new topics and demonstrate their prowess across various subjects.

3. Music World Club:

Introduced three years ago, the Music World Club at Bethany High, under the expert guidance of Mr. Saroop Oommen, Head of the Music & Drama Department, offers students an enriching exploration of diverse musical styles. Members immerse themselves in various genres from classical to jazz and rock, through audio tracks, videos, and live performances. This exposure enhances their appreciation for music as a dynamic art form and informs them about the Western Music course available for the ICSE Board exams. The club is a vibrant platform for students to deepen their musical knowledge and skills, fostering a lifelong passion for music.

4. Chess Club:

The Chess Club at Bethany, led by Mrs. Parvathi, introduces students to the fundamentals of chess, fostering an environment where strategic thinking and mental sharpness are paramount. Students develop enhanced focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills through regular practice and guided instruction. Chess not only challenges them intellectually but also offers lessons in patience and tactical planning, skills that are applicable beyond the game and into everyday life and academic challenges. This club is ideal for students looking to improve their cognitive abilities and enjoy the strategic complexities of chess.

5. Oratory or Literary Club:

The Oratory and Literary Club at Bethany, guided by Mrs. Meera, provides a platform for students to hone their public speaking and debate skills. Through various literary activities, Mrs. Meera helps students build their confidence and enhance their communication abilities. This club encourages members to articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively, preparing them for diverse forums and interactions in their future academic and professional lives. It’s an essential space for students who wish to strengthen their oratory prowess and deepen their appreciation for the power of words.

6. Recycling Club:

The Eco Club at Bethany, led by Mrs. Sheetal, offers students a unique and practical learning experience focused on environmental sustainability. Under her guidance, students explore innovative ways to transform household waste into valuable resources, effectively turning trash into treasure. Mrs Sheetal also educates club members about various environmental challenges, instilling a sense of responsibility and raising awareness about how they can positively impact the planet. This club teaches practical skills and fosters a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship among students.

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Community engagement

Bethany High School’s approach to community engagement and social reform is embodied in its unique Bethany Social Responsibility (BSR) concept. This initiative extends the school’s commitment beyond academic excellence to encompass comprehensive social contributions. BSR was notably highlighted in 2008 with the establishment of the Bethany Family Fund, initiated in response to a student’s acute need, which catalysed broad support from the school community for families facing severe hardships. The momentum of empathy and aid was carried forward with the creating of the Bethany Helper’s Fund in 2011, designed to support staff during medical and personal crises.

Additionally, the Bethany Special School, operational since 1983, offers specialised educational programs to children with unique needs, incorporating vocational and life skills training. These efforts are pivotal elements of BSR, showcasing Bethany’s dedication to nurturing socially responsible leaders, with active engagement from the entire school community, including alumni, students, teachers, and parents.


Words resonate with greater depth when they come from the voices of experience. The Living Community at Bethany High says:

Student voices

“Bethany High was more than just a school; it felt like a second home to me. It was a place where I could dream big, share my ideas openly, and really get to know myself and the world around me. It’s where I found my confidence and felt supported every step of the way.”

Views from parents

“Choosing Bethany High for our child was the best decision we ever made. It’s more than just a school; it’s a nurturing environment that has helped our child develop into a confident and responsible young adult. We’ve seen remarkable growth and are so grateful for the supportive community at Bethany.”

Alumnus Echo

“My time at Bethany High set the stage for all my achievements. It taught me the importance of passion, hard work, and community. I owe so much to the school for guiding my way in life and helping shape who I am today.”

Virtual campus tour (Coming soon)

For those eager to walk the halls of Bethany High without travelling, a virtual campus tour offers a unique blend of realism and convenience. This engaging and interactive experience provides a glimpse into the various facilities, classrooms, and landscape, bringing a tangible sense of campus spirit and culture. It is a bridge between curiosity and engagement for those who have yet to see the magic of the campus.


Bethany High is more than just an educational institution; it is a beacon of community, tradition, and innovation, creating a vibrant ecosystem that nurtures students to thrive in every aspect of life. Beyond academic excellence, Bethany offers a holistic experience that enriches the mind, body, and soul, preparing students for the multifaceted challenges of life. Bethany High exemplifies what truly transformative school life can be for anyone seeking an education that fosters personal growth and a deep sense of community.

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